Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Push Hands Training Basics that you need to Understand

Here are some basics theory that you will need to know, and a teacher who can demonstrate the theory - ie show these to you in practice.

1. Peng jing - this is more than the posture of Peng in the form.  It is an energy.  Its also called the mother of all TC PH energies.  It is needed all the time and it gives rise to the other energies.

2. Non - resistance, i.e non - confrontational. No clashing of opposing forces.

3. Sticking and adhering

4. Structure and Space - you need structure and space and you need to know how to create space within your structure.  The space especially referred to in the space between your arms and your body.  There are 3 levels of space - i) optimal - this is plenty.  This is when you have sufficient space and it is for poses. Posture is expanded and energy is expanded.  It is mostly a static form that we take up.  ii) comfortable - this will be the space you will most normally go through in PH practice. iii) Compact/minimal - this is when your arms are pressed very closely (pasted) onto your body.

5. Listening to forces. You have to learn to feel the forces that come in to your body.  True practice will have you feeling the forces, being connected in your structure and moving away from those forces in the appropriate way

6. Connected.  You need to be connected - and act / respond as 'one'.  In the beginning context - your ward off arm need to be moving as one piece in its initial response to oncoming push and the arm links to your elbow (feeling connected) and to your shoulder and down to your legs (all feeling connected).

7. Rooting - or grounding. You need to be able to stand firmly on the ground (like a tree).  Being firm even to the forces that come to you.  As a training we will build excess capacity

8. Yielding - comes together with non- resistance.  You yield to give way, but at the same time connect with the opponent.