Thursday, November 19, 2015

How do I buy Xango in Cape town South Africa or anywhere else: China, Europe, UK, USA

Xango is getting popular, and the following steps will help you order online in South Africa, China, Europe, UK or the USA:

Purchase with ease of mind through our authorized Xango official website:

Please do the following:

1. Select your country
2. Click Go
3. Scroll to the bottom: Click on "Sign up"
4. In the pop up page - Choose New Sign up
5. Select one of two options - Distributor or Preferred Customer.

Note: If you wish to buy the products for your own use, Preferred Customer is simpler and less hassle and there are no membership fees involved.  If you wish to build a network and market  products to others - then you should opt to be a Distributor.

If you have nay questions, feel free to get back to me!

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